20 December 2019

The Raven selected for the Sunrise Film Festival !

Good news! My short animated film version of Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven was selected for inclusion at the Sunrise Film Festival.

I now have to send a screener, most likely on a data drive to them and see if it gets selected for an award.

It was a very nice holiday surprise to be selected! A big thanks to Michael Z. Keamy for reciting the narration for the film for me!


T' said...

That's awesome! I am of course jealous that it wasn't a short I had something to do with! But mostly I'm happy for you. Well done, Vince!

Behemoth media said...

I am super bummed none of the Dramatic readings got shown anywhere, I sent them in to places and I thought they were really funny and according to my nieces and nephews, they show them to their friends and every thinks they are funny and weird. Don't be too jealous my book has a sold a total of 6 copies and one of those was to Robin!