25 June 2022

illustration: Art, mais 2022 @ Mobius Meadows Farmstead

 I did a trick my friend Mike Luce uses and took some reference photos in a sneaky way so I could do a portrait of my friend Art on his farm in Vermont. Mike does it to get more natural poses and I did it because no one wants to pose for me. I still would like to have done portraits of most of my friends so this stealth method might just get me there, eventually. I wasn't going to show this if he was mad i did it or did not like it and he wasn't and he did - so here it is. 

This is in the style of a portrait I did in December of my friend Keamy and my plan is do all the friend portrait like this. I used Procreate since I can draw anywhere and when I have a few minutes. 


T' said...

I REALLY like the pose for this one. It's natural, fun and is so much more interesting than a regular, posed portrait. Glad you could use something I might have suggested! This has real character. Very nicely done.

Behemoth media said...

Even he likes it! It is a very typical expression for him, especially when I am saying something. I don't know what the acrobats shows will b like this year but they are happening in a week and I hope I can get new reference material finally! I am almost desperate enough to ask the porn stars who workout at the dog park to pose for me!