31 August 2023

Illustration: Fierté 2023, danseurs sur la rue

I started with the top on, then moved on the the second that had more colours then put them together which I can't decide if that looks good or not. All 3 made with Affinity Photo on the iPad pro and I am getting more used to it. I do like things with material folding and bunched up in for some reason. It was always a big challenge when i was only doing pen and ink drawings and once I got a feel for it I just took a liking to doing it. The guy with the hat actually looks like him. maybe he will sue me! Not that more than a few will see these! 


T' said...

I have a thing for clothing folds, too. For what it's worth, they're both good but I do like them together. More action, more movement. Even if they weren't designed that way, they look like they were. Lots of fun! When did you have time for these?!

Behemoth media said...

I still don't sleep and drawing calms me and I need a lot of calming these days. Everyday adds more and more obligatory things I HAVE to do for the condo association, for this for that - it never ends and none of it pays!

Oddly, of the people I asked, 1/2 thing they are better separate and ½ think they are better together. I have a woman on stilts in a similar costume but more elaborate I might do.