23 August 2023

Illustration: L’Écomusée du fier monde


Another in my MTL buildings series. I tried to do this in Sketchbook to try out the mirror drawing feature as the building is symmetrical and was partially hidden by a tree I thought it would be a test of feature I have never used. I was on the iPad and it was just a mess, I got pretty far along and the file disappeared! SoI went back to procreate and made it like the past three.It was a lot of bricks and details so I nice challenge. I was not going to draw the banners on each side then thought they broke up the bricks and gave it a little more dimension,


T' said...

Look at all those little bricks! Cool! Glad the lettering is hand done as it gives the whole thing a more organic feel. Nice!

Behemoth media said...

I think hand drawing the letters makes it less like an Architectural drawing. Robin says these look like model train houses, something about the way I am doing this give them a miniature look and I agree.