More animals from Mobius Meadows farmstead. It was a bigger challenge than expected. This is the third iteration, the other two were... not good. mostly because I was too biased towards realism and couldn't seem to get my head around the cartoon part. In the end this came out OK.
Cartoons are HARD! If you don't have the classic "Animation" by Preston Blair, I can't recommend it more highly. If I have a PDF, I'll send it along. It's THE treatise on classic animation style cartooning. Not that I think you're doing a bad job, on the contrary! It's just that it helped me get into that mindset. You're doing great!
Thanks again for the pdf. I am not sure what i am doing. Since i use afinity designer it is without a doubt influencing the final look. It looks like a lot of modern cartoons to me which are mostly puppet characters and not one image at a time drawing. Not sure if i like that idea or not!
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