29 March 2024

Illustration: rue Berthier


Another in my local house series. This one is also close to the gym as those are the houses I see most of the week. I think I like the brick houses, they look cool to me and I like the colour palette. 

Like a lot of there, the drawing looks much nicer than the real place. This building is cute but it is hidden by poles, electric line, meters... you name it. There really should a law against visual pollution blocking our appreciation of the places we see every day. 


T' said...

REALLY nice, Vince. Bricks show a LOT of dedication. I use them a lot and they're a pain in the ass. Those and the tiles on the roof came out very well. I bet the owners would love to see what their place looked like without the wires and such. Great series.

Behemoth media said...

I like doing bricks, this is just rough white lines in a layer over a base red block of colour, then I went back and added 3 different shades to some of the bricks to break it up and added a shadow layer over all of them. My normal brick routine but I really like the effect!