08 November 2024

Celluloid Slammer blog catégorie icons

 My other blog, Celluloid Slammer, talks about films and related subjects. for the last few years there were banners for  a couple grouping subjects into their own specialized month... Silent Summer was in July and all about solent films and October Horrors is pretty self explanatory. The banner thing wasn't working for me so I decided to make icons to put at the start of each pot categorizing the subject matter instead. More versatile and more fun to look at and make. It was supposed to be "after the new year" but I started using it to see how it looked and figure what I needed to make. Above are what i have now, there might be more... or less depending on how it works out. 

The Slammer has been something I am constantly thinking about not doing but it get more views than anything I do here and it IS cathartic and fun to write about movies. There isn't much interaction there, possibly because i had to restrict comments, The amount of trolling happening all the time and much was very sexist and just plain dumb. I might open it up to be easier to comment next year and see if it's better. 


T' said...

These are cool! They look like a series of stamps.

Behemoth media said...

That is sort of what I wanted! They are just inserted at the start of the post to show what category it's in.