08 January 2025

Animation: The Paranormal Challenge" Cesare the Somambulist

I got very sick recently so I couldn’t put too much more effort into this. As it’s a test to learn more Blender animation skills I would say it was a big help in seeing more that I need to know and will lead me to try some new things in future projects.

Outstanding issues:

  • My first Blender animation (The Houund) was something I was very happy with, this one less so. I used Cycles to render over eevee because eevee was crashing my computer and it slowed things down a lot.
  • I need much better facial controls I think I know how to get what I want using shape keys next time out
  • I am no where near as comfortable with the Blender timeline and keyframe features as i was in Cinema 4D. It will be a challenge to get where i was before switching.
  • I need to get a better handle on Blender lighting
Things I got a better hold on:

  • Lip syncing, not there yet but i can see how to get there now
  • Grouping and moving collections as one. Not happy with this really but I understand the limitations better.
  • Planes with images using alpha channels. I had no idea how to do this in Blender and it’s working now so that is a big plus.

A second episode I am planning is a visit from Alistair Crowley who insists he is invisible. 


T' said...

Was kind of surprised you didn't email me about this: I found it on YouTube last night. I think it's fun! We make a good pair, I think. It's an odd idea, but it has a heightened level of solidity, I think. Nicely made!

Behemoth media said...

Sorry Mike, it took 200% of my energy to post this! I didn't sleep at all for 3 days and now I sleep a few hours because of violent coughing fits. I meant to give you an email! Does that count? I really appreciate the work you did for this. I am nowhere I want to be in Blender and might be a little (maybe overly) discouraged from being overtired and overwhelmed by the holidays.

T' said...

Sorry to hear you're sick. I got sick as well and have been home the last three days mostly sleeping. Hope you're over it soon!