02 January 2025

Games: Myst V: End of Ages (2005) developed by Cyan Worlds

 The end of the Myst series of games that moved from various versions of point and click to to full 3D navigation and replaced inserted actors with 3D characters. As far as the story goes its not complicated and I thought it made sense as it showed the negative effect that "writing worlds" had in the inhabitants of those worlds and what is the responsibility of those who create "ages". Visually, though not as dense and beautiful as previous games, it still have that Myst look though for games that, to me, hinge on exploration of created places it was lacking in details that expanded the places visited beyond story needs. I am not a fan of the computer generated characters, they were distracting looking and it's something cyan has not been able to really get a handle on. Their latest game Firmament suffered from many of the same issues, including FAR too much dialog and interruptions by characters into the game play. Their "comeback game" Obduction was much better, lots ot look at and discover even the game was done and used real actors in the character roles. 

The game relies, as did Myst 4 on too many confusing circular pathways, constantly going back and forth to do one simple thing to progress. Maybe people like that, I don't. Many of the ages in this game are good looking but i tink were limited by the free roaming aspect. Earlier games you could get into smaller spaces  and they had a lot more details for each age. 

Did I enjoy it. Sure it was fine. I am Myst'd out for the moment. I still have Uru to do which is the first time I will be playing it through as it was not available on Mac when it was an internet game. Because of it's early internet origins the graphics look pretty bad and the story seems to be a hodgepodge of stuff not used from other Myst games. Maybe it will change my life. Likely, it won't. I am much more excited to start getting into No Man's Sky as it looks great and I think will scratch my explore places bug. It has a no conflict mode and I'm all for that. 


T' said...

I don't know about Myst V, but because of you, I dusted off "Obduction" and am playing that again. It runs SO much more smoothly than when it first came out. I think I helped Kickstart it back in the day. So far, so good and I don't feel nearly as dumb as I did first time around.

Vincent-louis Apruzzese said...

Obduction was better than it was given credit for, in my opinion. Last time replayed it was much smoother and i just cheated on the maze part which i think is the most annoying puzzle cyan made. If you want to complete the Myst saga such as is, Myst v is fine. If you aren’t really a completist skipping it is fine.