24 September 2015

Reindeer - Berlin Zoo

I needed a small break from animating while I created the creature for the film and to just get my mind into a different space before it got stale. I have a bout 20 drawing projects I haven't had time to get to, so here is one down, 19 to go. I didn't get everything out of this drawing I wanted to. The fur was very patchy and it looks far too smooth and clean. I do like the expression though. Sketchbook pro 6 started to crash at the end, hopefully that's not a regular thing as I still haven't found a decent alternative yet and I have no desire to pay a monthly fee for any software.


T' said...

Very nice and well detailed! Sorry that SBP is giving you trouble. There's always real ink! :"D I've been buying some really nice sets of brushes for PS lately which will work with PS5 and up. Go look at kylebrush.com. He has large sets for cheap and they mirror real media quite well.

Behemoth media said...

Ok you've finally got me to buy the brushes! happy? LOL I found a lag when drawing with the wacom but i am updating that driver now to see if it helps. I still need to try the nib you got me... too many things to do!