This one of several pages of notes I took on the 80s during a Super 8 film class I was taking at the time. I had just bought a beautiful bell and Howell camera that did single frame, so I could animate, it had sound and could do 18 and 24 frames per second if I remember right.
That's right children, grandpa had to know long the roll of film was to know how long he could film a scene !
I know, right? I don't think I have my notes from Emerson left which is fine. I shot on B+W 16mm there, and even edited one of my projects on a flatbed editor, sound track on mag stock. Just like a REAL filmmaker! Some people hanker for the old days, 'real' film and vinyl. Hell with that crap. There is SO much more I can do on my own without having to spend a tenth of what I would in the 80s. Still, fun to come across those old notes!
I many ways I miss the physicality of cutting and taping film together, and I really do miss the dark room for photos for the same reasons. You could do a lot less but it was therapeutic or something to spend all that time alone with my art. Well, that's just me I guess, though my pal George really loved the darkroom as well.
That said, the price, the ability to do things not even dreamed of in commercial film from my own little desktop studio is not something I'd trade for old ways, no matter how comforting they were in some ways!
And in case you wondered, I did notice the change in format for your blog. I just forgot to write about it. :"D
Part of a total "rebranding" of the behemoth media look I'm afraid. I made a new video logo for films (already put it on the Picnic) and the website is on it its way but i need to finish a few things before putting that online.
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