22 August 2022

Illustration: Model in profile

I have been itching paint something in colour again for a while in Krita. I finally got some time to over theist week or so. It took a longer time than normal to sketch it out... the fingers were a confusing mess but also what I thought made it more interesting. 

I did my current technique of a solid colour silohuette and then added blocks of colour for shading and highlights, getting more detailed each pass until it looked ready to blend the colours into more natural tones. This seems to make it go quicker, maybe because this approach lets me see problems before doing tons of details and having to redo them. 

The guy wasn't the best of people, to be honest, but he made a decent model. He knew what he was selling but made the mistake of thinking everyone was looking to buy it. 


T' said...

I do hate guys who pose like they have something they KNOW I want. And I don't. That being said, none of that comes through here. Very soft, very gentle. He looks thoughtful, perhaps even lightly playful. So I think you did him a good turn if you sanded down the rougher edges of his personality!

Behemoth media said...

I will tell you the whole story one day. He was convinced that walking around the house in nothing but boxers would buy him free rent. I worked as gym trainer for goodness sake! I saw hot naked men ALL day, not that big a deal for me. I am also and adult who can see a grifter from a mile away. In any case it actually looks like him which I wasn’t trying to hard to do and my painting technique has been paying off. I have yet to try a real full colour portrait yet… It’s a little intimidating still. I don’t know who I would try as a subject at all.