03 October 2022

Portrait: Elizabeth and Alex


Elizabeth and Alex are the children of previous portrait Jeannette. I thought both together would be a nice challenge. It went through a few changes. Elizabeth's arm around Alex's neck was drawn in then erased because it looked odd and Jeannette did not want the name of the school on Alex's shirt so that had to go. 

The changes were done really quickly as they were not in any place with a lot of detail and non e of them were important to the overall composition. 


T' said...

A very charming portrait. Good of you to do. I also find it a lot easier to just do one figure at a time, which makes duos and triples hard in the rare moments I have to do them.

Vincent-louis Apruzzese said...

Yes you need an interaction if there eis more than one person and that can be hard to get across!