15 December 2022

Illustration: yoga pose


I have to admit this one makes me a little uncomfortable. I have not been able to find people to pose for me much, especially not acrobats or yoga practitioners who can do the sort of poses I love to draw. I have even put out ads looking for people but no one was interested.  I lended up searching through many videos online and took screen shots as reference material. I don't always use my own photos (my monster poster series is mostly from screen shots taken from the films) but I HATE not using my own photos! I know it is not exactly unknown to use the almost infinite image and video resources on the internet to find inspiration and references, but it doesn't sit all that well with me. That said, I went ahead and did anyway so I guess I was desperate enough to be OK with it for this one. 

Done in Krita, this is in keeping with my other yoga/acrobat stuff. Seriously... what exactly is the line between the two?In ant case it came together quickly once I decided I was doing it. I tried to keep out too much detail, though at full size you can see hair on his body that is invisible in smaller versions. I don't print my stuff as much as I used to, just costs too much, but I keep that in mind when I add details. 

My last drawing of the year? Quite possibly! 


T' said...

I totally get it. I don't like to use other people's photos, either. That's why I constantly take reference photos, mostly for background or of me for characters. That being said, there's no way I could even get into this position, never mind get out of it!

Vincent-louis Apruzzese said...

Yeah I might have tested myself into a corner by being obsessed with these subjects, it's not like I can ask just anyone to do this stuff. Well not without getting a quick slap in the face!