07 December 2022

Photography: Herring Cove lighthouse and Provincetown MA, USA

 I was recently in Massachusetts for a week and spent a few days in Provincetown on Cape Cod, a place I used to frequent when I lived in Boston. It was very cloudy which made the day photography nice and interesting but I was hoping to get some night shots on the beach of the stars as well and that wasn't to be. That might have been for the best as I spent a day in-between tides on Herring Cove and noticed a couple coyotes were in the area but not paying too much attention to me. I found out after getting home that there have been a few attacks on the beach in broad daylight only a week before. 

One reason I went was to try and photograph a lighthouse on Herring Cove I have completely failed to capture on any of my other trips there. The last attempt I walked along the breakers to the lighthouse in a dense fog which turned out to be super dangerous and the fog was so think I got only 2 shots of a barely visible lighthouse. This time the day was great and I took the long way around and back via the beach. No one was around for miles... perfect for me. 

I got up at sunrise a few times to photograph the harbour and piers which went fine. There isn't a drastic sunrise and the sunsets, which are often amazing, eluded me this trip. 


T' said...

Beautiful images as always, Vince! They have a sort of Edward Hopper feeling to them because there's no people there. I think I like them better that way. Like you, I also love to take photos when I'm away. Unlike you, mine don't come out so stunning. And they remind me of the subject of this week's podcast, too! Thanks for sharing them, Vince!

Behemoth media said...

The lighthouse in the movie was more interesting! This one is basically empty, the little house is totally empty except for some trash people left behind. The lighthouse‘s light looks like a red LED powered by a small solar panel! I prefer people less photos, unless I can make those people look isolated… it’s my jam. I even have techniques to rid of people if they are around!