The left right and centre of the room. I am not working on the entry with the door. Since rendering these I have made a few tweaks, the windows didn't look good enough so I made them dark and smaller in the new version. This one sees cobwebs and other details added which I tin really add a lot to the look. The scene is getting "heavy" which means it's taxing the computer to render quickly so I can't add much more especially since there will be two characters in here at first.
This was sort of nightmare to do. I guess it is all part of learning new software but Blender while much better is still nowhere near C4D in terms of easier usability for artists.
Starting to look very spooky indeed!
Despite you and I have pretty powerful computers I still have to be very careful with how much is in each scene. Apparently Blender will crash on really heavy renders. So it's trying to find balance with enough in the scene to read as a real-ish place and not enough to take weeks to render (I have done that before!)
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