29 October 2024

Illustration: Super 8 Movie camera

This is based on my Super 8 Bell and Howell movie camera from the 80s. Might be the 70s to be honest! I LOVED that camera. It could do 18 and 24 frames a second, record sound and do single frame. So it was what I first started film work and animation with. 

It only took about 6 hours to finish and I left out some details, mostly the text and numbers on it but it still came out much more photo real than I was aiming for. It was black but I added a brown tint to the plastic body when I realized by looking at reference photos that the plastic often had a brown tinge to it. The Xray view that shows the vectors always make these things look much simpler than they seem when you are making them! 


T' said...

I honestly did think the top image was a photo and the bottom was how you were going to recreate it. At least I believed that before I read the text. Really nicely done! I had a super-8 camera, too but I don't remember what brand it was. I didn't shoot that much, and then used the school's cameras when I went to Emerson. Shot Super-8 and 16, which was a pain in the ass. Don't miss film at all. :D

Behemoth media said...

I thought the illustration was the reference photo at points when looking at thumbnails! I still miss film, both movie and still camera. I liked sitting in front of the editing deck and making cuts, like drawing and painting on paper and canvas you feel like you are "making something" real. That said, editing film is fucking nightmare on wheels and I think my nostalgia would fade pretty quickly!