03 February 2022

Illustration: Lick


I came across a photo I took of a friend licking a door... yes I have friends like that, apparently. The pose without the door seemed Robert maplethorpe like, a little too much maybe but I still thought it was an interesting project to take on. It didn't take long to accomplish, only about 5 hours total. There is no hair, hands, feet or other things that can take a long time to work out so it went quickly. Ears are always a challenge but this has only one so still not too bad. I certainly never thought a goofy photo I took in a hallway wold make an interesting illustration and I oddly forgot all about taking it or WHY I took it. The foods in the hat might be a little overdone and oversaturated but I still like it overall. 

Done in Krita.


T' said...

This one is a little tough for me. There's a wide gulf between the softer items and the really precise hairs and lines in the face. I like where you're going in general. The pointiness of the tongue, while likely real, feels a bit much as well. All of these things are still helping you grow and your eye for composition is only getting keener. Well done!

Behemoth media said...

I was not sure what I wanted to get from this to be honest. It's sort of :animation colours" if you know what I mean. Simplified and oversaturated. Yup, that's his tongue! I think it's better like this in colour than it would have been as an ink drawing, more interesting to me, anyway. One takeaway was that I am getting much faster, which I interpret as more competent and comfortable with the tools I am using.