20 September 2022

Illustration: homme assis dans le parc


Painted in Krita with a little work done in Affinity photo fr iPad while I was away this weekend. I was taking photos of a friend getting greeted by my dog in the park and saw this guy sitting at table and decided to draw him. I actually don't like the idea drawing him without permission even though he was in a public park and you don't see his face. It's completely legal but I would rather ask bit I am not comfortable doing that either!

I liked the idea of drawing a figure in more of a setting and him at a table seemed like good practice. Another thing I liked was, though he is pretty muscular his back was reflecting a lot of light so it wasn't deep shadows exaggerating his definition but looked much more relaxed. I also like yu can't see what he is doing and that sort of "mystery" intrigues me in a composition. 


T' said...

I like the idea behind this one. It seems a little 'soft,' if that makes sense? It's hard to see the structure. I really appreciate non-traditional poses and approaches though!

Behemoth media said...

The softness was what made me want to do it. I liked the strong sunlight on his back, you cna see he is muscular but not every muscle. Like the idea of drawing the bench and table too.