27 October 2022

illustration: feuille/leaf 2022

 Another in my apparently ever growing series of leaf drawings and paintings. I started this last week while at my parents' house but didn't get very far. Mostly is helped me calm down and get to slept night. It also let me try out my mini tablet the b/f gave me for my laptop so I could paint in Krita while away and use for photo retouching. I got the shape right but wasn't too precise with the colour and details. 


T' said...

Sorry I'm late to this; I was in Boston for a week (were we there at the same time?!) and then we had a houseguest as soon as I got back. This is really interesting. It almost looks like the leaf is cut out of space or something. Great colors. I will always love the fall.

Behemoth media said...

I was there Thursday through this Tuesday. I listened to the podcast but it was a tough time and. Didn’t get better after I got home so I never answered the poll question…. How will you ever forgive me? My pal Danny was there the day after I got back! Bad timing is my thing lately. I thought this was sort of terrible when I finished it but a couple days later I decided it was better than I thought. I add some shadow this time and I liked how it looked.

T' said...

I left last wednesday, so we just missed each other. And I'm just happy you listen to the show at all. I really appreciate it. And...well, I guess I will do a post. That portrait of my partner, I went through the same thing you did; wasn't sure I liked it at all but then a couple weeks later, I decided I did. Well done!

Behemoth media said...

The show is super fun! I like to do the poll question but last and this week I just can't think of anything I am so distracted by everything goig on with my parents. I was so consistent about answering I feel like I am shirking my duties these days!

Sometim3es were are too close to our art to make a good assessment of it and it's good to know I'm not the only one !