01 November 2022

Poster Illustration: Mothra

 Mothra was maybe my least favourite of the giant monsters as a kid but this was fun to paint. For some reason I drew her on a HUGE canvas, like 60 inches wide and then inserted her in another project to add the graphics and words. It's a different format than all my other monster posters but so what? I originally was going to crop out most of the wings she could be in a close up on a vertical canvas but it seemed a waste of all the work I did. 


T' said...

This is really cool! It almost feels like the box for a toy. Great colors, very retro feel.

Behemoth media said...

A toy was sort of the look I wanted after seeing some images of one of them. I could have gone closer to the original poster but my point of this series was to make the images my own. Thanks for looking… oddly Mothra was one of the kaiju I thought was one of the dumbest when I was a kid!